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Gulf Coast Education Solutions, LLC


15489 Dedeaux Rd.

Gulfport, MS 39503


Office:(228) 357-5671

Fax:(228) 357-5708



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Our licensed educational psychologist and other qualified staff conduct assessments to determine intellectual and achievement levels, the presence of IDEA learning disabilities, language impairments, Dyslexia evaluation, and more.


Formal and informal assessments and evalutions are available and used to help us determine present levels of functioning and performance, the specific learning needs of a student, and track student progress.  These evaluations are for educational purposes and are not recommended to replace a medical evaluation for diagnostics.


We also conduct Independent Educational Evaluations that may be used for the purpose of determining IDEA Special Education eligibilty.


Tested Areas include:


Specific Learning Disabilities: Basic Reading Skills, Reading Comprenhension, Reading Fluency, Written Expression, Oral Expression, Math Calculation, Math Problem Solving



Autism Spectrum Disorder**

Aspergers Syndrome**

Speech/Language Disorders

Academic Achievement**

Phonological Processing Disorder

Intellectual Disabilities**

Multiple Disabilities**

**These evaluations are for IDEA identification and educational purposes and do not provide a medical diagnosis.


Dyslexia Evaluations

We are excited to be joining with our friends at the 3-D School to provide the Dyslexia Evaluations necessary to be considered for enrollment at the new Gulf Coast campus!


Click below to get more information.

Admittance Policy 3-D SCHOOL GULF COAST [...]
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