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Gulf Coast Education Solutions, LLC


15489 Dedeaux Rd.

Gulfport, MS 39503


Office:(228) 357-5671

Fax:(228) 357-5708



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Benchmark Testing



Is your child growing at a rate comparable to their peers?


Where does your child rank on national, standarized measures?



Benchmark testing is a tool available to parents who are interested in determining how well your child is learning a specific set of competencies.  This data can be used to determine if your child is on track and the current course of instruction is effective, if interventions are necessary, or if your child may need more intensive or specialized instruction.

Our trained staff will administer assessments that measure Early Literacy Skills, Basic Reading Skills, Oral Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Math Calculation, and Math Problem Solving. 


If signifiant deficits are discovered, additional assessments are available to determine the presence of learning disabilities.  For more information about formal Psycho-educational testing, see Assessments.



A single benchmark test is $75 per session.  This includes assessments for all measures and a diagnostic report and consultation with results of testing.


Testing can be done comprehensively for $125 a year.  This includes three benchmark assessments, with reports and consultations for each.  Sessions are usually scheduled in September, January, and May (dates can be adjusted if necessary).


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